Let's think about the future, hopefully it will be full of good, clean and green energy, the one wich comes from renewable electricity suppliers. Maybe the first step to do is to understand how it works!
How It's Made - Solar Panels
Electricity has many diffrent ways to show its power.....this one is awesome!
human history in the museum
Volta's recipe
In 1799, Alessandro Volta, professor of experimental physics at the University of Pavia managed to make a ‘pile’ of discs, that worked indefinitely, it was the first electric battery. Underneath you can find a piece of Volta’s recipe for making a pile.
The recipe for making the battery by Alessandro Volta
“… I provide a few dozen small round plates or discs of copper, brass or preferably Silver, an inch in diameter more or less (coins, for example), and an equal number of plates of tin, or, what is better, of zinc, of nearly the same size and shape. I say ‘nearly’ because great precisioni s not necessari, and the size is general, as well as the shape of the metal pieces, is merely arbitrary: care only must be taken that they may be capable of being conveniently arranged one above the other, in the form of a column. I prepare also a pretty large number of circular pieces of paste-board, or any other spongy matter capable of absorbing and retaining a great deal of water or misture, with wich they must be well impregnanted in order to censure success to the experiments….
Having all these pieces ready in good state, that i sto say, the metallic discs very clean and dry, and the non metallic ones well moistened with common water or, what is much better, salt water, and slightly wiped that the misture may not drop off, I have nothing to do but to arrange them…”
How to reach the museum:
- from highway A7 Milano-Genova, exit Bereguardo - Pavia Nord, follow the direction Pavia; after you are in Pavia, take the "Tangenziale Ovest" and get out at "Istituti Universitari".
- If you are traveling on A21 Torino-Piacenza coming from East (from Piacenza) you can take the exit Casteggio - Casatisma and follow the signs to Pavia; then take the "Tangenziale Ovest" and get out at "Istituti Universitari". If you are coming from West (from Torino), take A7 North (to Milano) in Tortona and get out in Bereguardo.
A bad situation, isn't it?
What’s the connection between those bugs and the bugs in Windows?
You think none! Error..
In the first hard disks actually, there were a very pleasant temperature inside… pleasant for who? But for the bugs! They used to colonize the old hard disks causing a lot of problems to all the users. Guess what! There were also people, called “debuggers”, whose only task were just to extract those bugs from the computer components!!!